About us

What is Boholhilfe e.V.? What is their aim?
Boholhilfe e.V. is a registered charitable organization, benefiting the people of the philippine island of Bohol. The members have mostly lived in Germany for many years and compared with their fellow  people back home they enjoy a socially and financially secure life here.
The organization was founded with the purpose of helping needy communities and institutions such as day care centres, schools, local medical facilities and other social projects on the philippine island of Bohol.

How is Boholhilfe funded? How are the projects financed?
The assets of Boholhilfe e.V. are made up from:

  • yearly membership subscriptions
  • proceeds of the annual benefit event
  • proceeds of the annual tombola in conjunction with the benefit event

These funds are used only for members’ projects in Bohol.
Organizational costs are kept to an absolute Minimum so that almost all the resources are available for financing projects. All tombola prizes are provided by the generosity of sponsors.

What happens to donations from other sources?
Donations made from outside the organization can be used for supplying general or special aid wherever it is required in the province of Bohol. Boholhilfe e.V. provided substantial help in the  aftermath of the earthquake and typhoon disasters of 2013 and has distributed much needed supplies to schools. This additional aid work relies on donations and does not use member related funds.

Can Boholhilfe e.V. issue tax deductible receipts?
Yes. Boholhilfe e.V. is recognized by the tax office as a charity (NPO) and can issue tax deductible receipts for donations.

What happens with the funds and donations? How does a project come about?
There are no direct money donations made to persons or institutes on the Island.
Any individual member can suggest a project in their native Bohol community. After the proposal has been officially solicited in writing by the beneficiary, a grant can be made from Boholhilfe funds as a contribution to the cost of the project or as in most cases to cover the entire expenditure of the assignment.
In order to avoid resentment each project is allocated the same fixed ammount.

Who carries out the project?
The task is carried out by the member responsible during their stay in Bohol. The work and purchase of materials is supervised personally, keeping receipts accordingly as well as  documenting the activities with “before” and “after” photos. The receipts and documentation are  handed in to the Boholhilfe committee when the member returns to Germany. The projects are in every case implemented directly by the member as representative of Boholhilfe e.V. and in no case are benefits handed out through intermediaries in the Philippines or local Bohol authorities. Projects or financial contributions involving the family or friends of any member is specifically prohibited.

Who can become a full member?
Full membership is open to Filipinos either born in Bohol or with at least one parent native to the island. Membership is not restricted to residents of Germany.

I am a full member – what does that mean?
Members assist the Boholhilfe charity with their yearly membership fee and any other contributions to the fund. Above and beyond that, each member can, on her or his own initiative, organize further fund raising and donations. Each member will therefore act as representative of Boholhilfe e.V. in their own vicinity.
Full membership carries the right to cast a vote on resolutions and committee elections at the annual general meeting.

Who can become a sponsor member – what does that mean?
Sponsor membership is open to persons of any nationality.
A Sponsor member can take part in all Boholhilfe activities but may not vote at general meetings or propose projects.

How much is the yearly membership fee?
€ 20 and is due in advance, payable by 31st Janauary at the latest.

The committee
The committee comprising of chairwoman(man), secretary and treasurer is elected at the general meeting for a period of two years in accordance with the statutes.

General meeting
A members’ general meeting is held each year at the home of the chairwoman/man unless otherwise agreed.